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JRA-SRF Publication Policy  · 

Publication Policy

The scientific results of the JRA Superconducting Radio Frequency will be published in various forms and can be obtained by clicking on the appropriate item on the left side.

Publication category

Type of publication and responsibility


Storage and numbering


Technical documents

Responsability of the authors

No Review

Stored locally in NA/JRA web sites

Numbering by NA/JRA coordinators


CARE workshops and reviewed papers not aimed at publication

CARE responsibility

Internal review

Stored in CARE web site

Central numbering


Covers yearly reports, intermediate and final reports to Brussels

CARE responsibility

Submitted to Brussels

Stored in CARE web site

Central numbering


Journal publications

CARE responsibility

Internal review

Stored in CARE web site

Central numbering


Conference proceedings

NA/JRA responsibility

Abstract approved by NA/JRA coordinatord

Internal review

Stored in CARE web site

Central numbering

The EU commission requires the insertion of the following acknowledgement:

We acknowledge the support of the European Community-Research Infrastructure Activity under the FP6 "Structuring the European Research Area" program (CARE, contract number RII3-CT-2003-506395).

Publication Review Procedures:

Care/Activity Documents
: responsibility of the authors, no review but approval by thr activity coordinators is implicit for the paper to be stored in the activity web site.
SRF template for documents (see below)

CARE Publications : the scientifically highest category of publication. The peer review is organized prior to the journal submissionand includes a review of the author list and of the scientifique content of the paper. The peer review is done by a reading committee of 2 members, one chosen by the activity coordinator and one by the dissemination board.

CARE Reports
: similar as for notes.

CARE Conference Proceedings
: conference papers often written at the last minute. The abstract AND the paper must be approved by the activity coordinators before their respective submission deadlines.

CARE Notes : well written papers of general interest, but not necessarily with a scientifique content suitable for publication. The paper must be approved by the activity coordinstor and by the dissemination board. As consequence, correction to the paper may be required before its publication.
SRF template for notes (see below)

All papers should be submitted to

dieter.proch@desy.de and CC:helmut.mais@desy.de

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